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Do you suffer from hyperhidrosis? Is it making you uncomfortable, and affecting both your personal and professional life significantly?

Have you tried local and herbal treatments but couldn’t get the condition under control, and reached a point you simply became desperate?

You do not have to keep looking anymore, now hyperhidrosis problem has become permanently treatable through a very simple surgery.

Normal sweating vs Excessive Sweating

First, we have to understand the difference between normal sweating and excessive sweating. Normal sweating is a natural physiological process that helps the body regulate its temperature and get rid of the toxic substances, but excessive sweating is an abnormal sweating that is not necessarily related to high temperature or strenuous exercises. For example, it is very normal for a person’s hand to sweat when they are nervous, but people who suffer from hyperhidrosis have their hands sweating constantly, to a point it may even start dripping! the thing that makes them feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

This problem is related to a medical condition known as “hyperhidrosis,” in which the sweat glands in the palms and under the armpits respond excessively to external stimuli, causing them to produce large amounts of sweat. Although this condition is not considered dangerous and does not threaten the patient’s life, it has a significant impact on the person’s life, as it affects both his personal and professional life, limits performing many normal daily tasks as well as dealing with others, In addition to causing anxiety feelings and social embarrassment, and it may even lead the person to wear special types of clothes.

Unfortunately, in most cases hyperhidrosis is not diagnosed because many people do not realize that they suffer from this problem at all, despite its significant impact on their daily lives. Although doctors usually recommend patients to use local creams or Botox injections, these treatments in addition to being painful, temporary and expensive, do not solve the problem completely. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis and you seek to find a radical solution, we in USUL help you understand the surgical procedure that will end your problem once and for all so that you can get back your life and confidence again.

Most common misconceptions about Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is not just a simple sweating condition like what most people think. It affects the life quality of people who suffer from it, and leaves important changes in their social, professional and emotional life.

Excessive sweating is a real medical problem. It is partially genetic, and can be easily treated, but many people do not realize that they suffer from this condition at all due to the social ignorance about it and the lack of media coverage for it.

People with hyperhidrosis change their clothes frequently and shower several times a day in order to try to stay clean and dry. One of the most prevalent fears among people with this condition is that others will think that they are suffering from excessive sweating due to poor personal hygiene. This is clearly not true, as sweating has nothing to do with how clean you are.

For some cases, antiperspirants that contain aluminum can help control the problem, and is considered a good treatment and an easy solution for people who suffer from excessive sweating. However for more severe hyperhidrosis cases, antiperspirants probably won’t solve the problem at all.

To the contradictory to what some claim, this surgery is not dangerous and does not include any serious complications, but rather considered a safe operation. The ratio of satisfaction for patients who underwent this surgery is more than 90%

What is Hyperhidrosis Surgery? And how is it done?

Hyperhidrosis Surgery or ETS, (Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy), is the most effective treatment for excessive sweating cases. It aims to treat severe sweating in the face, palms, underarms and feet. Doctors use special equipment to cut the nerves that control sweat glands under the armpits and in the hands. The surgery takes only about 40 minutes and it requires two minimal incisions (about 1.5 centimeters), one on each side of the chest.

Patients feel immediate improvement in their condition after the surgery, and they are able to leave the hospital on the same day or the next day at the latest. Most of the patients who underwent this surgery spoke of how this simple operation completely changed their lives and boosted their self-confidence.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Although ETS is a minimal surgical procedure, you may feel some pain in the first days after the surgery. 

In most cases, the recovery period is very short, ranging between a day to two. Most patients return to normal activity after about a week. People with diabetes and people who smoke tend to take longer to heal.

General anesthetic is used in ETS surgery. As mentioned before, most patients are able to leave the hospital on the same day of the surgery, or on the next day at the latest.

ETS surgery is done using an endoscope and only one or two very small incisions will be made in the underarm area, so the scars are often invisible and almost unnoticeable.

You should see a dramatic improvement practically from the moment you awake from the anesthetic. These effects are permanent for everyone.

  • ETS surgery is very easy and safe compared to other medical operations.
  • The results of the surgery are permanent and patient do not need multiple sessions.
  • The recovery time is very short, ranging between a day or two.
  • The surgical scars are very minimal and often invisible.
  • The immediate feeling of relief after the operation.
  • Getting rid of the anxiety feelings and social embarrassment that accompany the situation.
  • The high levels of satisfaction after the operation, as patients enjoy a high degree of satisfaction after the surgery, compared to their previous condition.

                                                  satisfaction level


palms and underarms

                              90 %

face and scalp

                        70 – 80 %


                        70 – 80 %


The most common side effect for ETS surgery is the compensatory sweating (sweating on the back, abdomen, thighs, or lower legs). All patients have some degree of compensatory sweating and it ranges from mild to severe. A small percentage of patients (3-5 percent) experience more severe compensatory sweating. Doctors have not yet been able to determine who is most likely to develop severe compensatory sweating.

Most patients who develop mild to moderate compensatory sweating say that they are not troubled by this extra perspiration. They find it better than the sweaty palms they had before the procedure. Patients who do develop severe compensatory sweating may have difficulty during hot humid weather or anxious situations. In some rare cases, patients have a temporary recurrence of sweating on their palms three or four days after the operation. Usually this lasts no more than half a day.

The surgeon will discuss with you all the possible risks and side effects before the surgery. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have.

Generally speaking, when an incision is made, there is a small risk of infection or bleeding. Doctors use general anesthesia, so there are the risks associated with that process as well. Your surgeon will discuss the surgical risks with you in greater detail.

If you are in a good general health, then you are probably a good candidate for this procedure.

During your initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and ask your questions to the specialist surgeon who will evaluate you as a candidate for the operation and explain to you the steps of the procedure. In case your medical condition does not qualify you for the procedure, then alternative or additional therapies may be considered.

Before attending the consultation, you must be ready to discuss your complete medical history. This will include the following information:

  • Previous surgeries.
  • Previous and current medical conditions.
  • Allergies and medications you are currently taking.

Depending on your goals, physical characteristics and general health, your surgeon will share some recommendations and information with you, including:

  • Treatment method.
  • Financial cost.
  • The results you can expect after the surgery.
  • Possible risks and complications.
  • Anesthesia options and treatment location.
  • How to prepare for surgery.
  • Showing you before and after photos for similar cases to yours and answer your questions.

customers reviews

I thank usul Medical Center for the correct advice and guaranteeing high-quality results, thanking their efforts
mohamed rami
One of the best medical centers that I dealt with in Turkey, a wonderful result that I got in the best specialized hospitals, all the best.
adnan samraei

Get rid of excessive sweating problem forever.

USUL Health Tourism

offers you the best hyperhidrosis surgeries in the best Turkish hospitals equipped with the latest technologies and equipment and under the hands of the most skilled doctors at best prices…

With you throughout your entire treatment journey.

Your consultation is free.. do not hesitate to contact us now 

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Meşrutiyet mah. Hrant Dink sk. No:7/2 Şişli İstanbul

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