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Hair Transplant Operations

Hair loss problem is considered one of the most prominent aesthetic problems that both men and women around the world suffer from.

When all the traditional methods fail to provide solutions, an alternative and radical solution must be represented: hair transplantation.

Technical development, multiple mechanisms, expert and specialized medical staff, and reasonable prices… all this made Turkey at the forefront of hair transplantation world.

Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Turkey has become one of the leading countries around the world in the field of cosmetic and medical tourism, especially hair transplantation. According to the Turkish tourism statistics announced in 2017, more than 1,000 hair transplantation operation were daily performed in Turkey, and more than 60,000 tourists visited Turkey with the purpose of doing hair transplantation during the year 2016.

This great turnout is due to the high quality and modern technologies used, as well as the availability of specialized medical staffs with high and long experience in this field, in addition to the low cost compared to similar countries like Europe or USA. As the prices of hair transplant operations in Europe are more than six times of those in Turkey, and much more in the USA.

What is hair transplantation? And how is it done?

Hair transplantation is a non-surgical operation in which hair follicles are transferred from the donor area that contains healthy and strong hair, often back of the head, to the empty area wished to be treated and filled with hair, often top and front of the head. 

 Hair transplantation operation is a very delicate and precise procedure since the follicles must be transplanted with extreme precision in order to give the patient the natural and healthy shape of hair he wants and deservies.

Also, hair transplantation operations are no longer limited to head hair transplantation only, but due to the technological development in recent years, hair transplantation operations now include beard, mustache, eyebrow, and even eyelashes transplantation.

There are many different techniques for hair transplantation, and the most appropriate method is chosen after doing the diagnosing session with the specialist doctor, scanning the scalp and conducting the necessary examinations.


Stages of Hair Transplantation Operation


Implanting the follicles into the channels in the entire bald area.

After finishing the diagnosing session with the specialized doctor and selecting the appropriate method for hair transplantation, the procedure is done as follows:


Defining and drawing the bald area.


Opening channels in the scalp.


Shaving the scalp (in case of hair transplantation using the FUE technique).


Separation the extracted follicles and saving them in a special solution.


Extraction of healthy strong follicles from the donor area


Injecting a local anesthetic into the scalp.

Most Common Hair Transplantation Methods

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are many criteria that must be taken into account when making this decision. Of course, the most important one is the opinion and experience of the specialist doctor, in addition to some additional factors such as:

  • Patient’s age and general health condition; especially if he suffers from a chronic disease like diabetes.
  • The size of the bald area.
  • The size of the donor area.
  • The location of the bald area (head, beard, eyebrows…)
  • Patient’s desire and time; whether he wants to choose the quick method due to his limited time, or whether he wants to choose the less advanced method due to his financial condition.

The hair transplant procedure takes about 6 hours on average and may be a little more or less, depending on the size of the bald area and the number of hair follicles that will be transplanted. A person may need several sessions – if the bald area is relatively large – to complete the entire transplant procedure.

One of the advantages of hair transplant surgery is that it does not require you to stay in the hospital, and you can return to your normal life from the first day and return to work after a few days or a week at the latest, taking into consideration the necessity of following the medical advices provided to you by the specialist doctor and his medical team. On the second day, you must visit the hospital or the medical center in order to do a scalp inspection and apply the necessary therapeutic creams.

First of all, it must be understood that that the newly transplanted hair will fall out after two or three weeks, so that your natural permanent hair will grow instead of it. During this period, there are few essential points you should make sure to follow, the most important one is to make sure to take care of the newly transplanted hair follicles by making sure to use only medical hair care products, free of any chemical materials capable of damaging the newly transplanted follicles.

The final result of hair transplantation appears after 6-9 months.

  • Apply cold ice packs to the forehead area every 2-3 hours for the first two days to prevent swelling.
  • Do not take any medical drugs without consulting your doctor first, because some drug combinations may conflict with the hair transplant process.
  • Alcohol consumption is prohibited for 14 days after the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking in the first 2-3 weeks after the procedure because it reduces the blood flow to the scalp.
  • Avoid swimming, long baths, saunas, steam and direct sunlight for the first 3 weeks after the operation.
  • Avoid strenuous exercises in the first week after the operation.
  • Taking care of the scalp and massaging it daily, in order to increase the blood flow to the transplanted follicles, thus accelerating the healing and growth process.

The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey ranges between 1,500$ – 2,500$ on average, according to the assessment of the International Society of Hair Transplant Surgeons.

The exact cost depends on several things, the most important of which are:

  • The size of the bold area​ and the amount of hair follicles that need to be transplanted.
  • The technique used during the transplantation, whether it is hair transplantation using the FUE technique or the DHI technique.
  • The reputation and experience of the doctor, as well as the level of development of the medical center.

customers reviews

I thank usul Medical Center for the correct advice and guaranteeing high-quality results, thanking their efforts.
maryam sameer
Comprehensive and specialized service through a distinguished team that was with me step by step until getting the promised result.
samer badran

Get rid of baldness and hair problems forever.

USUL Health Tourism

offers you best hair transplant operations choices in the best Turkish hospitals equipped with the latest technologies and equipment and under the hands of the most skilled doctors at best prices..

With you throughout your entire treatment journey.

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Meşrutiyet mah. Hrant Dink sk. No:7/2 Şişli İstanbul

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Hair transplantation in Turkey

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