IVF -İn Vitro Fertilization-
The desire of having children and making a family is the dream of every couple. Unfortunately, sometimes this dream may collide with various fertility problems.
Do you and your partner suffer from reproductive problems, but the beautiful dream of making a family still pushes you to try every possible way?
Now, IVF –İn Vitro Fertilization– is the best way to help every couple achieve this beautiful dream, becoming parents and making a happy family of their own.
Fertility Problems and Sterility
Every woman dreams of motherhood and the moment she will become a mother and holds her first child in her hands, just like any man dreams of the moment he will become a father too. Unfortunately, for some couples this can be a little harder than what they had thought. Indeed it is not easy for any couple at any point of the relationship to dive into the problems associated with infertility and sterility, but the dream of having children and making a happy family of their own pushes them to persevere and to try all possible means to achieve this end.
In the matter of fact, any couple can face some problems that may hinder the parenting dream, then it is necessary not to waste any time and to seek medical help immediately, and to do all the necessary examinations without delay, and the available subsequent treatments, including test tube baby procedure, which seems to be the way that provides the greatest opportunity to have children in most cases.

IVF is one of the most successful operations in Turkish hospitals, as Turkey has more positive results than any other country. Today, Turkey is among the best medical destinations for foreigners wishing to have children through this process, as the proportion of foreign patients coming to it in the field of reproductive medicine was approximately 15 percent of the 700,000 foreign patients who visited Turkey for treatment in 2018 only.
IVF operations
IVF is considered to be one of the most common and effective reproductive method among reproductive technologies, as this technique is used in many cases where other techniques fail. IVF technology, in its principle, is based on the idea of fertilization an egg outside woman’s body and then transferring it to her uterus. In fact, the possibility of having twins using this technique increases enormously.
According to the statistics released by the American Health Research Institute in 2016, IVF technology contributed to the birth of 6.5 million children in the United States of America, and the percentage of children born annually using this technology is about 1.6% of the total births in the United States of America.

Most common misconceptions about IVF
Infertility has no cure
Actually, that is not correct. There are only two cases of infertility that have no cure until today. The first case is related to men, in which there is lackage in sperm count even in the testicle, and the second case is related to women, in which there are no eggs left in the ovary because the patient has passed the age of 45 or 46.
The stress is the reason why couples don’t succeed in conceiving
There is no doubt that stress affects the ability to naturally reproduce, as it effects the ovulation and creates a hormonal imbalance, and even affects the intimacy in the relationship. But from a medical point of view, if the case is an IVF case, and the couple is undergoing hormonal treatments to stimulate the ovulation, then stress has no effect on the rate of pregnancy success.
IVF procedure is automatically resorted to if there is a fertility problem
Actually, it depends on the case. If the fertility problem is related to the man and it is aggravatingly getting worse, then IVF procedure is directly resorted to in order not to waste time. If the wife is young, doctors can wait few years before resorting to IVF. But if the wife is 35 and over, then it is better not to wait at all.
Fertility problems don't appear after the birth of the first child
Actually this is not true, this can happen. The first child is born and then difficulties start to arise with the second child. In general, there are many problems that can occur and lead to a low chance of getting pregnant, with the exception of sperm absence, because this leads to permanent infertility.
IVF operation reduces the number of eggs a woman has
This is not true at all. To the contrary, due to the freezing process, IVF guarantees the preservation of as many number of eggs as possible. While in normal cases, without resorting to IVF operation, women loses eggs constantly. It must be clarified that IVF gives women the greatest chance for conceiving.
Pregnancy conditions with IVF procedure are different from normal pregnancy
Actually no, not at all. Pregnancy in the case of an IVF procedure is the same as in any normal pregnancy.
Hormonal injection is a must for IVF operation
From a medical point of view, hormone therapy is necessary for the success of the operation and to increase the chances of pregnancy, but some couples refuse it. It should be noted that refusing hormone therapy may reduce the chances of getting pregnant, but it does not necessary mean the failure of the operation.
Infertility problems appear more in men than in women
In the past, infertility problems were more common among women, but nowadays they are increasing more and more among men as a result of the environmental problems and wars.
Stages of IVF procedure
The first step of IVF procedure is the hormonal injection to woman’s body in order to strengthen her ovulation and obtain the largest number of eggs. Then the best ones are extracted and joined with the sperms, taken from the husband, in the laboratory using microscopic injection technique. Finally, the good embryos are selected and two embryos or three are transferred to woman’s womb afterwards.
The surplus embryos are then frozen to use in a subsequent operation if needed. As it has been shown in recent years, it is better not to transfer more than two embryos to the uterus, because it reduces the chances of a successful pregnancy.
In Europe nowadays, no more than one embryo is transferred to the uterus, in order to avoid the risk of miscarriage. If the pregnancy is good and the fetus is also in good condition, there is no need to use more than one fetuses, as it reduces the chances of completing the pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions
How is infertility medically determined?
From a medical point of view, infertility is determined after one year of marriage in which regular sexual relationships are held but without any success in obtaining a pregnancy. There are fertility problems that have simple solutions and treatments, and others that are more complicated, but all can be placed under the umbrella of infertility. We can say that most fertility problems are treatable, and there are only rare cases in which we talk about actual pathological infertility.
In general, what are the reasons that can lead to infertility?
The reasons are numerous and differ between men and women. First, it must be clarified that pregnancy happens through several stages. The woman ovulates once a month and she has only one or two eggs, for a pregnancy to occur, the intimate relationship must take place during this period of the month and a sperm must reach the egg. If there is weakness in the movement of sperms, or for example a blockage in woman’s tubes, pregnancy will not occur. A good quality sperm should meet the egg for a fertilization to happen.
Are there any known reasons for male infertility?
In 50 percent of the cases, not making sperm is a congenital problem. Also, similar cases were observed with people who had chemotherapy as a cancer treatment. Therefore, all doctors are currently emphasizing on young people with cancer to freeze some sperms for later before undergoing chemotherapy.
What are the reasons that can lead to this kind of problem?
In fact, the reasons are numerous and can’t be limited. Some of them are congenital, some may arise later, and some are related to infections. Environmental factors such as pollution and smoking tend to play the major role, and their impact appears to be greater on men than on women.
What is the success ratio for IVF?
If the wife is not over the age of forty, the success ratio reach 30 or 40% in the single operation, while the chances of success can reach 60 or 70% when the operation is repeated. In other techniques, the chances of success do not exceed 6%.
If the wife is over the age of forty, the chances of getting pregnant with other techniques do not exceed 3%, while with IVF procedure, it reaches 30%.
Here, it must be stressed not to waste time, because success ratio decline with woman’s age.
What are the cases in which even IVF procedure fails?
When the woman has no eggs, or the man has no sperms (not even in the testicles), then there is no point even by resorting to IVF procedure, as it does not work.
What are the preventive measures that should be done after IVF operation?
One of the most common misconceptions is that the woman should lie down for some time, a week or so, after undergoing IVF operation. But in fact, there is no need for that at all as studies have shown.
However, the doctor may advise her to rest for two days or three if it gives her psychological relief, so that she does not feel guilty if the operation fails. But medically speaking, this does not have any influence on the success rate of the operation.
How long does it take for the results to appear?
After 12 days from embryo transfer, the woman should take a blood test, not a urine test, to check wither she is pregnant or not. The number showing in the blood test is very important for doctors in case another IVF procedure should be done in the future.
After how long can a second IVF operation be done if the first one fails?
If the operation is not successful the first time, the procedure can be repeated in the following month, as it is very likely that the IVF operation will not be successful the first time. The important thing is that there should be an interval between the two operations of at least 30 days.
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